- BA in Business Administration
- Learning the family business from the bottom up and never forgetting where I started!
- President of L & J Plumbing Supply since 1987, with locations in Stone and Taney Counties
- Stronger in one of the worst economies of our time.
- Providing health care options for employees and their families.
- Encouraging my company’s biggest asset, it’s people.
- Always listening, and knowing how to listen.
- Dealing and working with the “The Big Boys,” and coming out with my integrity still intact.
- Going to bat for my customers, no matter their size.
- Listening to the needs of my customers and acting promptly.
- Being informed of a problem, then fixing it.
- Always standing up for the little guy, including myself.
- Making payroll for over 30 years for my employees.
- Competing successfully as an independent wholesaler.
- Providing an open-door policy encourages people to see me when they have a concern.
- Knowing when I must stand up and say NO!